Sunday, 19 October 2014

Learning Strategies and Independent Learning Throuh Technoloygg

Session         : Learning Strategies and Independent Learning ThroughTechnology
Group            : 1
Time               : 11.00-12.30
Date               : 16 October 2014
Tutor              : Andrew Steele


The lesson started by the tutor asking each and every one of us to think about something we had learnt recently. The answers given varied from “How I learnt to use CLIL in my classroom” and “How I learnt to ride a horse”.

We were then asked on how we learnt what we did. Amongst the response to that question was:

a.    in a class
b.    online learning
c.    taught by a friend
d.    via a book
e.    through demonstration
f.     by practical experience

What was concluded here, is that learning styles differ from learning strategies. It also differs from one individual to another. Learning strategies are how student learn a new content. These strategies change at different times of learning. The strategy you use before, during and after a lesson may change as the contents you learn change. A worksheet was given where a table was to be completed with strategies used at different stages of learning.

Next we were exposed to the word meta-cognition which is thinking about thinking. It can be broken into five parts being:

a.    preparing and planning for learning
b.    selecting and using strategies
c.    monitoring learning
d.    integrating strategies
e.    evaluating learning

We were then told to work in pairs and complete a table on strategies to use for each of the five parts of meta-cognition.

The next stage of the lesson was using new media to encourage autonomous students. We discussed in groups how to use various types of media to promote independent learning. Among the media types discussed were blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, twitter, and facebook.

A general discussion was held on how teachers use different types of media in their teaching and learning process. Ideas were given and shared amongst the participants which were very beneficial and new to many of us.


This lesson was not new to the participants. Many new of the existence of these media. But ways of manipulating these media for teaching was something new to some. The convenience in spreading information, assignment, getting in touch with teachers and peers, getting feedback were among the possible ways of using these media types.

As we listened to the way some lecturers used it in their lessons, some of us realised that it is a good way for those who are normally reluctant to speak up or see their lecturer to voice out their views.

Besides that, it also reduced the amount of paperwork and quantity of paper used for lecturers as well as assignments. Lecturers need to carry stacks of assignments and storage problem was also solved.

Another point in the use of these media types is the less confident and shy students are able to make themselves heard. It also helped in building ties amongst the students as they got to know more people via these social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

This type of learning strategy is suitable to enable students to be independent learners. They can respond, check and get feedback conveniently anywhere and at any time.

The only drawback in the use of this technique is the lack of technology or facilities. This will make it difficult for everyone to participate in activities or information put on the media.


A survey should be carried out to make sure students are equipped with proper gadgets to ensure everyone is able to participate in the teaching and learning process. 

Lesson such as these should be monitored by a moderator to ensure its validity and relevance to the members of the site. The moderator should also ensure that no sensitive or irrelevant posts are put up to be viewed or read. “A lesson well taught and learnt will leave a mark for forever”.

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