Sunday, 19 October 2014

Language Across the Curriculum

DATE             : 9 OCTOBER 2014
TIME              :  11.00 AM – 12.30 PM
TUTOR          :  CHRIS


The instructor started the session by introducing BINGO game. The purpose of playing BINGO game was to identify the parts of speech. 

He then prompted the participants (Group A) to say out loud the different language structures whereby the other groups needed to cross out the correct sentences. The participants played the role actively for this activity.

As for the second activity, we had to work in pairs to fill in the gaps by asking our partner for the missing information (we were not allowed to look at our partner’s worksheet).

Then, we were given a set of Language Areas to test our confidence. We were required to draw smiley emoticon to show that we were confident enough in that particular language area. If we were not sure, we were needed to write a question mark to show uncertainty and wrote our action plan on it. 


The games were very engaging and interesting to play.They were definitely one of a kind and hardly played.  However, if the instructions were given more clearly, we would definitely enjoy it better.

For activity 2, the majority of us in our group were not content-competent.  Hence, we were having difficulties in completing the task.


The instructor’s extensive experience has brought new ideas to enlighten the language classroom. His professional thoughts and practice in language teaching gave us a lot of ideas to apply when we go back to our respective institutions.

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